UNITE Program

UNITE Program empowers unit commanders to plan recreational and cohesive activities to strengthen the squadron.

Assigned personnel includes Active Duty, APF/GS and NAF Civilians.

Unit CC and CL can designate in writing a POC to plan programs for cohesion and teambuilding on CCs behalf, see POC Letter for more information.

The C3 will confirm your allocation/approvals and will make payments on your behalf. Payments will be made based on the final invoice/reservation and the approval from AFSVC.
FY24 Allocations

$15.00/person APF: Activity expenses (equipment rentals, program supplies, decorations & entertainment)
$5/person NAF: Food and beverage expenses

  • Funds CAN'T be used to augment holiday parties on or off the installation
  • Meals must be used in conjunction with an approved UNITE event
  • Funds CAN'T be used for alcohol or prizes
  • UNITE funds CAN'T be combined with unit funds or SM&W funds
  • Private org funds may be used to supplement funding

Hosting your First UNITE Event

Download UNITE POC Training Booklet
  1. Complete the POC Appointment Letter

    Squadron Commanders, please complete the Appointment Letter 

  2. Fill out the Event Proposal Form

    Meet with your installation C3 to discuss your objectives, event ideas, and to complete the Event Proposal Form.

  3. Have Fun!
  4. Submit After Action Report & Pictures

    After Action Report form

Types of Events

  • Ready to Execute (RTE)

    RTE programs are easy to implement. They keep funds on the installation and should be considered first.

  • Unit Developed (UDP)

    You have the freedom to design an event unique to your squadron on or off of the installation. Unit driven events require your Commander's signature and approval from the AF Services Activity which may take up to 30 days.

  • Volunteer Events

    Free & volunteer events are automatically approved. There is no limit to how many volunteer events a unit can host.